Thursday, July 30, 2009

Maia's Birthday

My first baby turned 11 yesterday. (I know I can't call her a baby anymore, but it seems like I had her yesterday. ) The time flies. Maia was born on a Wednesday, so it was extra special that it fell on a Wednesday this year.

We started the day with her favorite breakfast: Pancakes and sausage.

Yum! Maia blowing out her candle in her breakfast.

She got a DS game: Starfy. Don't ask me what it is about, but apparently it is a really awesome game.

Then we tried to go the Mayan but it wasn't open until 4, so we killed time at IKEA for a few hours. Word to the wise: IKEA for more than 2 hours makes you want to pull your hair out.
Maia found a birthday hat. Cute. Sort of. The candles wouldn't stay up.

Anna enjoying the play land in the toy section.

We called this "Isaac in a nutshell."
Maia the alligator wrestler.
Waiting for the Mayan to open.
"I can hold the mouth open for a second mom. Hurry and take the picture."

Say: "Snake"

Watching the divers jump into the pool. Anna kept asking for her swimsuit. It was hard to convince her that we couldn't swim in the water.
Happy Birthday Maia! We love you. Maia wanted to stay up until the exact time she was born: 11:20 PM. She barely made it. She was so tired out, but she had a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Maia. It is hard to believe that I met you before you were even 3 years old and now you're 11! Looks like you had a fun birthday. I love the Mayan, it is always so much fun (and I actually like the food too:)
