We started the day with her favorite breakfast: Pancakes and sausage.
Yum! Maia blowing out her candle in her breakfast.
She got a DS game: Starfy. Don't ask me what it is about, but apparently it is a really awesome game.
Then we tried to go the Mayan but it wasn't open until 4, so we killed time at IKEA for a few hours. Word to the wise: IKEA for more than 2 hours makes you want to pull your hair out.
Maia found a birthday hat. Cute. Sort of. The candles wouldn't stay up.
"I can hold the mouth open for a second mom. Hurry and take the picture."
Happy Birthday Maia! We love you. Maia wanted to stay up until the exact time she was born: 11:20 PM. She barely made it. She was so tired out, but she had a great day.
Happy Birthday Maia. It is hard to believe that I met you before you were even 3 years old and now you're 11! Looks like you had a fun birthday. I love the Mayan, it is always so much fun (and I actually like the food too:)