Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today is Isaac's 8th Birthday. Happy Birthday Isaac :) We love you and are so proud of you. We are excited that you will be baptized in a few weeks. You are such a good boy. Happy Birthday!

Isaac got a suit from his Nana and Grandpa King for his special Baptism day. He is so excited that he can now wear a suit to church and look just like Dad.

Isaac got a Scout shirt from Nana Blair. He is so excited that he has his first night of scouts on his birthday.

The kids woke Anna up for the present opening. She looks thrilled in this picture.

Isaac calls this his: "Smiley Breakfast" made up of Toast, bacon, bananas, mac and cheese and grapes. He made it for Maia a few months ago and made me promise that I would do it on his Birthday. I think we have started a new Birthday tradition.

He wanted a Lego Indiana Jones set for his birthday. He picked this one out, so it wasn't too much of a surprise, but I wanted to make sure he got the one that wanted.


  1. Hope he has a happy birthday. The Lego set is right up his alley! Jax was so proud of his first suit last year too. It's funny how they like to look just like their Dads!

  2. Happy B-day Isaac. Hope you have a fun day and get your lego thing done.
