Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sarah's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Sarah! We love you very much and are glad we can celebrate your special day. Where do the years go, at least you will never catch up to your over the hill husband. In honor of your special day we will go to disneyland and relive one of your best childhood memories, we will post pictures after the grand event.

Here are 10 random things about Sarah that I think you should know.

  1. Sarah was born in Provo, Utah.

  2. Sarah has been out of the United States three times, once to England, once to Mexico, and once to Canada, she wants to go somewhere again soon.

  3. Sarah loves Harry Potter movies, Troy likes SNL skits about Harry Potter characters.

  4. Sarah has three children, she is a great Mom and loves her children more than anything.

  5. Sarah is an exceptional violinist and will be playing for "Singin' in the Rain" in July.

  6. Sometimes Sarah thinks of something important she wants to talk about with Troy late at night, Troy needs to work on his late at night communication skills.

  7. Sarah loves rice, and eating out on a date.

  8. If Sarah could go on vacation anywhere it would be Hawaii, and all it sandy beaches.

  9. Sarah loves Twix chocolate bars and Diet Coke with Lime but not together.

  10. Sarah grew up a non sports fan but has now turned into a super cougar fan thanks to her husband Troy, she thanks me all the time for turning her on to that one.

  11. Bonus! Sarah is a great gal and we love her very much.

Here is a picture of Sarah as a baby "camping". I am surprised this "campground" isn't full. Sarah is trying to get away to go play with the rattlesnakes.


  1. Those were fun to read. I love those pictures. You were a beautiful baby. That is weird that no one is camping by you guys?

  2. Happy Birthday. Glad you had a good day.

    p.s. You were a cute baby!
